“Thank you for your support and help during this most difficult time. We have never had to ask for help and were afraid to do so. With ‘Mike’s’ treatments he has not been able to work and I have tried to pick up as many hours as possible, but the ends just don’t meet. Our teenage girls have been wonderful at pitching in and making do with what little we have. Keeping our electric turned on has been a blessing and the food card helped buy some much needed food. We are so thankful for your help!”
“‘Sam’ and I are thankful for the help you offered our family. Our goal is to pay it forward as soon as we are able. May God continue to bless us all with such kindness and generosity.”
After being homeless for 10 months ‘Amber’ finally found affordable housing. “I was so afraid that I would not be able to come up with the deposit needed for my apartment. Thank you for your help. I am now in my own space and working very hard so that I never have to live on the streets again.”
“Electricity and food are such everyday needs and when you don’t have them, your world feels upside down. Thank you for helping my world stay upright.”
Vermont Catholic Charities provides financial and emotional help to individuals and families who worry about how they are going to meet their most basic needs. Catholic Charities offers a wide range of support including food cards, assistance with rent or security deposits, and assistance to pay outstanding utility or fuel bills. Catholic Charities offers appointments (802-658-6111) for assistance in the South Burlington and Rutland offices.
During the coldest part of the Vermont winter, “Kathy & Joe,” both on disability, ran out of heating fuel. With only a few dollars, they would pump kerosene at the gas station into a portable container and dump it into their tank at home. Kerosene is more expensive then heating oil, but they could not afford a minimum delivery to their home. Vermont Catholic Charities was able to help them receive a delivery of heating oil directly to their home.
“Delia” left an abusive relationship in northern Vermont and moved to Burlington. Her car needed to be inspected so she could find work and housing. Vermont Catholic Charities was able to assist “Delia” with the state inspection and provide her with other local resources to help during her transition.